Subject-verb agreement is a critical part of good writing, and it`s something that students begin to learn in grade 7. In English grammar, subject-verb agreement refers to the proper matching of subjects with their respective verbs. This may seem like a simple concept, but it can be quite tricky, especially for non-native speakers. Ensuring that subject-verb agreement is correct is essential to effective communication and clear writing.

To help students in grade 7 master this essential grammar skill, there are plenty of subject-verb agreement exercises that teachers can use. These exercises are designed to give students plenty of practice in choosing the correct verb to match each subject in a sentence. Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement exercises that students in grade 7 can work on:

1. Identify the subject and verb in a sentence: The first step in teaching subject-verb agreement is to help students understand what each term means. Teachers can start by presenting students with a list of sentences and asking them to identify the subject and verb in each one. This exercise will help students become more familiar with the structure of sentences and the parts of speech involved.

2. Fill in the blank: Another good exercise is to present students with sentences that are missing the verb and ask them to fill in the blank with the correct verb. For example, a sentence may read “The dogs _______ in the yard” and students would need to choose the correct verb based on the subject.

3. Matching exercise: In a matching exercise, students are given a list of subjects and a list of verbs and must match them up correctly. For example, students may be given the subject “The cars” and a list of verbs such as “is” or “are” and must choose the correct verb based on the subject.

4. Writing exercise: Finally, teachers can give students a writing exercise where they must use subject-verb agreement in their own sentences. For example, students may be given a prompt such as “Write a sentence about your favorite animal using subject-verb agreement”, and must then write a sentence that adheres to the rules of subject-verb agreement.

In conclusion, teaching subject-verb agreement is essential in helping students develop strong writing skills. By providing students in grade 7 with plenty of exercises and practice, teachers can help them become more familiar with the concept and proficient in using it correctly. With these skills, students will be able to write clearly and effectively, which is essential for success in school and beyond.